速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers

Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers


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Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 85 stickers of Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- St. Jerome in the Wilderness

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna with Child

- Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor

- The Agony in the Garden

- Christ Blessing

- Dead Christ in the Sepulchre

- Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels

- Dead Christ Supported by Madonna and St. John

- Greek Madonna

- Pieta

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna with Child Blessing

- Madonna with the Child

- Presentation at the Temple

- Head of St John the Baptist

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Polyptych of San Vincenzo Ferreri

- Madonna, with Child Standing on a Parapet

- Pietà

- Dead Christ Supported by Angels

- Pesaro Altarpiece

- Pesaro Altarpiece (predella)

- Pesaro Altarpiece (predella)

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna Enthroned Cherishing the Sleeping Child

- Madonna in Adoration of the Sleeping Child

- Madonna with Child

- Madonna with Child

- Resurrection of Christ

- Madonna with Blessing Child

- St. Jerome in the Desert

- The San Giobbe Altarpiece Detail of Music Making Angels

- Portrait of a Humanist

- Dead Christ Supported by Angels

- St Francis in Ecstasy

- St Jerome Reading in the Countryside

- The Madonna of the Red Cherubs

- Portrait of a condottiere

- The Virgin and Child with St. Peter and St. Sebastian

Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Transfiguration of Christ

- Madonna with Trees

- Barbarigo Altarpiece

- Frari Triptych

- Virgin and Child

- Four Allegories Falsehood (Wisdom)

- Four Allegories: Fortune (or Melancholy)

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna and Child

- Portrait of a Young Man in Red

- Virgin and Child with St. Catherine and Mary Magdalene

- Saint Jerome Reading

- Man with a Turban

- Portrait of a Young Man

- Portrait of a Young Man

- The Annunciation

- The Lamentation over the Body of Christ

- Sacred Allegory

- Leonardo Loredan

- Baptism of Christ, St. John Altarpiece

- The Redeemer

- The Crucifixion

- Madonna and Child with St.John the Baptist and a Saint, detail of the background waterside city

- Pieta

- Madonna of the Meadow (Madonna del Prato)

- Madonna and Child with Saints and a Donor

- St. Mark Preaching in Alexandria

- Madonna and Child in a landscape

- The Assassination of St. Peter Martyr

- Holy Conversation

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna and child

- St. Jerome, St. Christopher and St. Augustine

- Young Bacchus

- Drunkenness of Noah

- Virgin in Glory with Saints

- Deposition

- Portrait of Fra Theodoro da Urbino

- Naked young woman in front of the mirror

- The Feast of the Gods

- Pieta with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist

- Virgin and Child

- The Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels

- Orpheus

- Portrait of a venetian gentleman

Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Sacred Conversation

Giovanni Bellini Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad